I spent most of this past summer hiking into a large part of the lakes in RMNP. I’ve posted on each of my trips in earlier posts. With news of the fire, I’ve been closely monitoring its progress through the areas I’ve visited. I’ve been greatly disheartened to see that several of my favorite lakes, including Arrowhead, Loomis and Fern have likely been impacted. And it looks like it will only get worse. Here is the current progress.
Hopefully the impact won’t be as bad as I’m fearing. To keep up my spirits, I’ve posted below a few of my photos from Arrowhead and Loomis earlier this year. Let’s hope they are still in tact.
On the maps I’ve seen, Arrowhead and Loomis were not burned. Your map shows substantial burn across 36 and that has not happened. Yes, the fire kissed 36 but only down by the visitor center area. This winter storm is a doozy so I’m focused on how it will slow the fire down substantially and as far as I know, they aren’t sending the firefighters home yet. So once the storm passes, the thousands of firefighters will be able to make headway on containment. I’ll post a map link on Twitter that you may not have seen yet.