Today I reviewed the first draft of my new book trailer. I’m really pleased with how the producers have put it together. I think you are going to like it. They are making a few small changes and it should be released shortly.
Also, the reviews for The Vintage Club continue to come in. Thank you to Kristen Houghton for her review. I’ve include her Amazon review below.
![]() Wine, the ancient Christian symbol of everlasting life figures prominently in “The Vintage Club”, possibly a certain wine whose lineage goes back to the time of Christ and the Last Supper. Gibby takes this premise and creates a story that is fast-paced with believable characters. The character of Reggie Alexander is one to whom the reader can relate; his ‘rescue’ from a hellish childhood, his success, his angst, his paranoia, and his fears are realistic. I especially enjoyed the idea of a wine that can impart immortality; it gives the idea of life everlasting a whole new meaning! Biblical codes, soul-searching, and a satisfying climax makes this a recommended book.
Kristen Houghton, author of “Welcome to Hell” and “No Woman Diets Alone-There’s Always a Man Behind Her Eating a Doughnut.